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Everyone at Dunton Green Primary School works together to ensure that children and young people are kept safe by:

  • Providing a safe environment for children to learn
  • Identifying children who are suffering or likely to suffer harm, and take appropriate action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at home and at school

Whether you are a teacher, member of support staff, visitor or volunteer, we ask that you adhere to our policies and procedures whilst you are at our school.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

Keeping Children Safe

The School operates a policy of restricting unsupervised access to students to those adults who have been correctly vetted. All adults who work regularly with our young people must undertake an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check which must be completed before they commence working with the children. Adults visiting the site for meetings will be accompanied throughout their visit and do not need to be checked. They must sign in and out at Reception and wear a visitors badge at all times. Any unidentified adult in the school should be reported to reception immediately.

First Aid

If you encounter a child with any medical concerns, or who seems ill, they should be referred to the school office where a qualified first aider can assess them. In case of an accident or emergency, please contact the school office and a first aider will be sent.

Health and Safety

The School is regularly checked to ensure that the facilities are safe for the children, staff and visitors. However, you have a responsibility to ensure that your actions do not endanger children in the school. Please ensure that you follow all instructions whilst on the school site. Do not operate machinery for which you are not trained.

Educational visits

We risk assess any educational visit outside of school and ensure that we have an appropriate ratio of adults to pupils; this will depend on the age and number of children and the type of activity which is being undertaken. There will always be a member of school staff who is a trained first aider present.


Children are encouraged to use technology and recognise the value it plays. Children are encouraged to manage the risk using technology poses, take responsibility for the things they do online and understand the potentially damaging impact it may have for their reputation. Further guidance is detailed in the schools E-Safety Policy. Please note pictures of the children should not be taken by visitors. Visitors should not use mobile phones whilst in school.

 What to do if you have a concern:

Staff at Dunton Green will follow these procedures if they have a concern about a pupil:

  1. Record what you have seen or been told on the concern form
  2. Don’t make assumptions – keep an open mind.
  3. Don’t ask any leading questions and don’t cross-examine the child. Only ask simple and open questions – Who? What? Where? When? etc.
  4. Don’t physically examine the child.
  5. NEVER promise to keep “secrets”. Explain that you can listen to them, but make it clear that if you perceive that they are in any danger of harm then you will have to seek advice because you have a duty to protect children and young people. Reassure them that they can be helped and kept safe.
  6. Maintain confidentiality for the child or young person.
  7. Be discreet – do or say nothing that may place The child or yourself at risk.
  8. Act quickly and share the information with the Designated or Deputy Designated Persons for Safeguarding at Dunton Green Primary School.

They are:

Designated Person: Daisy Holliday - Head of School

Deputy Designated Person: Lucy Linkins – SENDco

Deputy Designated Person: Lucy Baker-Clarke - Teacher

Deputy Designated Person: Justine Hennessy - Family Liaison Officer

The Governor responsible for safeguarding is: Mark Craig

If the disclosure or your concern relates to a member of staff or any other adult, this must be shared with the Head of School or Deputy Designated Person. If the concern is about the Headteacher, this must be shared with the Chair of Governors who can be contacted at the school on 01732 462221.

If you have any questions about safeguarding please see the Head of School or Deputy Designated person. We always value your feedback. Some other contacts and links which may be useful:

Safeguarding pupils from extremism and radicalism

Schools have a vital role to play in safeguarding pupils from the risks of extremism and radicalisation, a role which will be underpinned by the new duty in the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 “to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.

Keeping children safe from these risks is a safeguarding matter and should be approached in the same way as safeguarding children from other risks.

Parents who have concerns about their children may look to schools as a trusted source of advice on how to keep their children safe from these risks. In addition to materials produced by local authorities and the police – such as the new “Prevent Tragedies” online campaign launched by the Police ( - there are online resources produced by civil society groups which provide valuable advice, for example ‘Families Matter’ (, (run by Families Against Stress and Trauma).

'Say Something If You See Something'

Kent has recently launched a campaign to raise awareness of child sexual exploitation called Operation Willow. If you have concerns about a child or young person whom you believe is at risk of sexual exploitation please call Kent Police on 101 quoting Operation Willow.  You can also contact the National Child Sexual Exploitation Helpline on 11 60 00.

Link to the parents and carers safeguarding information page for Kent Information about staying safe online Information about child protection