Our Governors
The Governing Board, Executive Headteacher and senior staff form the school leadership and management team, and share responsibility for the school. The Governing Board must hold the school to account for the standards it achieves. It must ensure that all resources (including the school budget and staff) are properly used to meet the needs of all children and provide value for money. Governors help to form the School Improvement Plan and are responsible for monitoring all aspects of its effectiveness in terms of outcomes for pupils.
The Governing Board is made up of 4 groups who represent the stakeholders of the school: staff, parents, the community and the Local Authority. This range of people is intended to provide a broad and balanced selection of viewpoints and to represent each sector of the school’s community. Governors are volunteers. An effective Governing Board will have members who have a wide range of experience and a variety of skills to offer their school. They typically serve for an initial period of four years, which can be renewed once, and during this time will have a variety of responsibilities.
The constitution of the Governing Board at Dunton Green Primary School is:
The Executive Headteacher
7 Co-opted Governors
1 Local Authority (LA) Governor
1 Staff Governor
2 Parent Governors
The Governing Board operates the circle model, have monitoring and other individual responsibilities and produce reports on their activities.
The Clerk to the Governors is Clare Levere.
If you wish to contact the Governing Board please address correspondence to the Chair of Governors. Mr Mark Craig is the Chair of Governors and can be contacted on m.craig@dunton-green.kent.sch.uk
If you are interested in becoming a school governor please speak enquire at the school office and we will contact you to talk about what the role involves and the opportunities that are available.